Node.js and Express: Accessing SQL Server Database for CRUD Operations
In this article, we will see how we can use Node.js to build REST APIs using Express.js and access SQL Server Database. We will use mssql package to connect to the SQL Server database and perform CRUD Operations. The reason behind writing this article is to help the new Node.js learners design and Develop database-centric applications while they want to design and develop additional modules with existing business applications. I have already published an article on performing Database Operations using Node.js with Sequelize and PostgreSQL databases. You can read this article from this link. In the article, we will not use Sequelize but instead, we will see how we can use SQL Statements to perform database operations.
Step 1: Create a folder named node-sqlaccess. We will use this folder as a project folder. Open this folder in Visual Studio Code. Open the Terminal window or Command Prompt and navigate to node-sqlacess folder. Run the following command to create package.json file in the project folder.
npm init -y
Make sure that the package.json is modified by adding type:"module" settings so that we can use ES 6 features with Node.js,
Step 2: We will use mssql, express, and nodemon packages for the application. Run the following command from the terminal window
npm install express mssql nodemon
Install nodemon package on global scope using the following command
npm install --global nodemon
Step 3: Open SQL Server and create a database named eShoppingCodi. In this database create the ProductInfo table using the script of which is shown in Listing 1
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProductInfo]( [ProductRowId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [ProductId] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [ProductName] [varchar](200) NOT NULL, [CategoryName] [varchar](100) NOT NULL, [Manufacturer] [varchar](200) NOT NULL, [Description] [varchar](400) NOT NULL, [BasePrice] [int] NOT NULL )
Listing 1: The Table Script
Step 4: In the project folder add a new folder named dataaccess. In this folder, add a new JavaScript file named connect.js. In this file, we will add code for establishing a connection with the database. The database connection is established using the connect() method. We need to pass the database connection string to this method. The code for this file is shown in Listing 2
import sql from 'mssql'; // Data Connection class DbConection { static async connect(){ const connection = await sql.connect('Server=;Database=eShoppingCodi;User Id=sa;Password=MyPass@word;Encrypt=false;TrustServerCertificate=true'); this.isConnectionSuccess = connection.connected; console.log(`Conected ${connection.connected}`); return connection.connected; } } export {DbConection};
Listing 2: The connect.js file to connect with the database
The code in Listing 2 shows the DbConnection class that contains the static connect() method where we have the code for establishing a connection with the database based on the connection string. The method returns Boolean values to return state as true or false based on the database connection status.
Step 5: In the dataaccess folder, add a new file named crud.js. In this file, we will add a class name DbOperations. In this class, we will add method asynchronous methods to perform CRUD operations with the database using Insert, Update, Delete, and Select statements. The code for the class is shown in Listing 3
import { DbConection } from "./connect.js"; import sql from 'mssql'; // The DB Operation Class class DbOperations { getData=async(request,response)=>{ try { if(await DbConection.connect()) { const filter = request.header("X-Filter"); if(filter){ console.log(`In if for for header = ${filter}`); const result = await sql.query`select * from ProductInfo where Manufacturer=${filter}`; return response.status(200).json(result.recordset); } else { const result = await sql.query`select * from ProductInfo `; return response.status(200).json(result.recordset); } } else { console.log(`Else Conidtion`); throw new Error("The Connection coud not be established"); } }catch(ex){ console.log(ex.message); return response.status(500).json(ex.message); } } getDataById=async(request,response)=>{ let id = parseInt(; try { if(await DbConection.connect()) { const result = await sql.query`select * from ProductInfo where ProductRowId=${id}`; return response.status(200).json(result.recordset); } else { console.log(`Else Conidtion`); throw new Error("The Connection coud not be established"); } }catch(ex){ console.log(ex.message); return response.status(500).json(ex.message); } } createProduct=async(request,response)=>{ let product ={ ProductId:request.body.ProductId, ProductName:request.body.ProductName, CategoryName:request.body.CategoryName, Manufacturer:request.body.Manufacturer, Description:request.body.Description, BasePrice:request.body.BasePrice } try { if(await DbConection.connect()) { const result = await sql.query`insert into ProductInfo (ProductId, ProductName,CategoryName, Manufacturer, Description, BasePrice) values (${product.ProductId}, ${product.ProductName}, ${product.CategoryName}, ${product.Manufacturer}, ${product.Description},${parseInt(product.BasePrice)})`; console.log(result); return response.status(200).json(result); } else { throw new Error("The Connection coud not be established"); } }catch(ex){ console.log(ex.message); return response.status(200).json(ex.message); } } updateProduct=async(request,response)=>{ let id = parseInt(; let product ={ ProductId:request.body.ProductId, ProductName:request.body.ProductName, CategoryName:request.body.CategoryName, Manufacturer:request.body.Manufacturer, Description:request.body.Description, BasePrice:request.body.BasePrice } try { if(await DbConection.connect()) { const result = await sql.query`Update ProductInfo set ProductId = ${product.ProductId}, ProductName = ${product.ProductName}, CategoryName = ${product.CategoryName}, Manufacturer = ${product.Manufacturer}, Description = ${product.Description},BasePrice = ${parseInt(product.BasePrice)} where ProductRowId=${id}`; console.log(result); return response.status(200).json(result); } else { throw new Error("The Connection coud not be established"); } }catch(ex){ console.log(ex.message); return response.status(200).json(ex.message); } } deleteProduct=async(request,response)=>{ let id = parseInt(; try { if(await DbConection.connect()) { const result = await sql.query`delete ProductInfo where ProductRowId=${id}`; console.log(result); return response.status(200).json(result); } else { throw new Error("The Connection coud not be established"); } }catch(ex){ console.log(ex.message); return response.status(200).json(ex.message); } } } export {DbOperations}
Listing 3: The DbOperations class
Carefully read the code of the class. Each method of the class invokes the connect() method of the DbConnection class. If the connection is successfully established, then CRUD operations can be performed. Each method accepts the RequestHandler object that contains Request and Response objects to read headers and URL parameters as well as the body containing data using the POST and PUT requests. Read the getData() method carefully. In this method, we are reading the custom header value to read data from tables based on the value of the Manufacturer column.
Step 6: In the project folder, add a new JavaScript file named apiserver.js. In this method, we will write code for creating REST APIs using Express object and its methods like get(), post(), put(), and delete(). The REST API is exposed on port 9076. The code of the REST API is shown in Listing 4
import express from 'express'; import { DbOperations } from './dataaccess/crud.js'; async function server(){ const PORT = process.env.PORT || 9076; const instance = express(); instance.use(express.json()); const dbo = new DbOperations(); instance.get('/api/products',dbo.getData); instance.get('/api/products/:id',dbo.getDataById);'/api/products',dbo.createProduct); instance.put('/api/products/:id',dbo.updateProduct); instance.delete('/api/products/:id',dbo.deleteProduct); instance.listen(PORT, ()=>{ console.log(`API Server is started on PORT: ${PORT}`); }); } server(); export { server };
Listing 4: The REST API code
Step 7: Modify the package.json to use the nodemon package to run the apiserver.js as shown in Listing 5.
...... "scripts": { "start": "nodemon ./apiserver.js" }, ......
Listing 5: The application execution the command
Insert sample data in the ProductInfo table.
Execute the following command from the Terminal window
npm run start
The REST API will be running on port 9076 as shown in Figure 1
Figure 1: Running the REST API
Open Postmon or Advanced REST Client and using the following URL make HTTP GET request to read data from the SQL Server database. The data will be fetched as shown in Figure 2
Figure 2: The GET Request
Similarly, POST, PUT, and DELETE methods can also be tested.
The code for this article can be downloaded from this link.
Conclusion: Building database-centric applications using Node.js is easy using ready-to-use packages like mssql.