Implementing Distributed Caching in ASP.NET Core 6 using the Redis Cache In Microsoft Azure
In this article, we will implement distributed caching for ASP.NET Core 6 applications using Redis Cache in Microsoft Azure. In highly responsive web applications as well as in Microservices applications caching plays a very important role. We use caching to store data so that it can be made available to the application at a fast speed when it is required. In ASP.NET Core, we can have caching implemented using In-Memory Cache and Distributed Cache. The Caching Concept A Cache is a mechanism using which the frequently demanded data is stored for a specific duration. Typically, the data required for searching can be stored in the cache and hence this helps to reduce the number of calls to the actual database. Since the data is immediately available to the application, the number of resource requirements e.g. waiting time for the Db Connections can be reduced and hence this results in the performance increase of the application. The question is what type of data can be stored in the cach